The Coblentz Society's 2018 Williams-Wright Award

I had the pleasure of serving as the Chair of the Coblentz Society's Williams-Wright Award Committee this year, to select the 2018 awardee, and then chair the Award Symposium at Pittcon 2018.  The formal announcement is now on the Coblentz Socity's web site:

The Coblentz Society is pleased to announce that the 2018 Williams-Wright Award for Industrial Spectroscopy will be presented to Charles R. (Chuck) Anderson at the Pittsburgh Conference in Orlando (February 2018).  The presentation will be made at the Award Symposium, and is followed by the Award Address.  The invited speakers in the Symposium are Steve Lowry (Thermo Fisher Scientific), Henry Buijs (ABB Bomem), Arno Simon (Bruker Optics) and Belinda Pastrana (University of Puerto Rico).                      

The Williams-Wright Award is presented annually to an industrial spectroscopist who has made significant contributions to vibrational spectroscopy while working in industry. The work may include infrared and/or Raman spectroscopy, instrumental development as well as theory, and applications of vibrational spectroscopy. 

For more details see The Coblentz Society website:


The Coblentz Society at SCiX in Reno

SCiO instrument ‘teardown’ on the web