Recent edited proceedings volumes
Mark A. Druy, Richard A. Crocombe, Steven M. Barnett, Luisa T. Profeta, Editors, “Next-Generation Spectroscopic Technologies X”, SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 10210, 2017.
These SPIE Proceedings give a year-by-year snapshot of new and emerging technologies in this sector, frequently with detailed engineering descriptions.
Mark A. Druy and Richard A. Crocombe, Editors:
“Next-Generation Spectroscopic Technologies IX”, SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 9855, 2016;
“Next-Generation Spectroscopic Technologies VIII”, SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 9482, 2015.
Recent special journal issue
Richard A Crocombe and Mark A. Druy, Guest Editors for Special Issue of “Applied Spectroscopy” on Portable and Handheld Spectroscopy, Appl. Spectrosc. Vol. 70/5, May 2016.
Applied Spectroscopy: 22 peer-refereed papers, covering topics like mobile phone spectroscopy, applications of near-infrared analyzers, handheld x-ray fluorescence, GC-mass spectrometry for emergency responders and the military, street drug identification, etc.
Recent papers
Richard A. Crocombe and Ellen V. Miseo, “Portable Spectroscopy and the Fight Against Food Fraud”, Photonics Spectra, August 2017, pp. 30-37.
Food Fraud has been proven to be a danger to human health, and each year, lost sales, product recalls and loss of consumer confidence are estimated to cost legitimate retailers around $15 billion. Deaths have occurred in the Czech Republic and Italy due to contaminated wine, and in China due to contaminated milk products.
Richard A. Crocombe, “Handheld spectrometers: the state of the art”, in “Next-Generation Spectroscopic Technologies VI”, SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 8726, 87260R-1 – 87260R-14 (2013).
Recent book chapter
J. Sellors, R. A. Crocombe, R. A. Hoult and N. A. Wright , “FT-IR Imaging Hardware” in Raman, Infrared, and Near-Infrared Chemical Imaging, Slobodan Sasic and Yukihiro Ozaki, Editors, John Wiley, September 2010.
This chapter gives a detailed technical description of the development of 2D MCT focalplane arrays for mid-IR spectroscopic imaging, as well as their interfacing to FT-IR microscopes